Saturday, January 30, 2010

What's Your Power Cord?

My iPod has a defective battery. It was born with this defect and I have learned that it is easier to adapt to its deficiency rather than try to get the manufacturer to help remedy the problem. Since I've owned the iPod for four years, I've become accustomed to the necessity of having to charge it frequently. It loses power quickly and, if I am not attentive to the battery-power indicator, I will find myself out of luck when it comes to completing a workout with music.

I remembered, today, that I should check on my iPod's battery and, sure enough, it was out of power. Fortunately, I just plug it into my laptop and the connective cable allows the transfer of power from my laptop to the little device.

As with most tasks I tackle, this one made me think.........about how I recharge myself. If only self-energizing was as simple as connecting my body or brain to a device with a power cord. Nature takes care of our basic energizing need by making us sleepy. If we humans are smart, we either take a nap if our energy disappears during the day,or go to bed for the night when we can no longer keep our eyes open. There are prescription drugs and over-the-counter products to counteract our bodies' innate need for sleep.....which is so fascinating because there are prescription drugs and over-the-counter products to help those who have trouble sleeping. Such a contradiction, is it not?

Besides the obvious re-charging method of good old-fashioned sleep, there are other ways we power-up our internal batteries when they get low, but most methods can work differently for each person. For some, the shower invigorates while others find showers relaxing. Exercise gives some energy while it exhausts others. The act of reading can bring both relaxation (and dozing!) and re-invigoration.

I get a jolt of energy from exercise if it is accompanied by loud music, loud music of any kind will give me a boost of inner power that is inexplicable, sitting on the lower deck of our aqua RV while it is underway is incredibly relaxing, and watching the cardinals cavort in my backyard brings peace which usually results in a fresh feeling of vigor and vitality.

Just as I have thought about those activities which renew my internal enthusiasm, I hope that those who read this will give thought to ways to energize themselves. January is almost behind us and the winter doldrums are far from over. We must survive February's promise of more cold and snow and then March enters with the 'dirties', as I call the days when the snow is melting and everything looks gray and dirty until we are rescued by April.

Let's all plug in our power cord.

Ancora imparo