Saturday, January 2, 2010

But It Was A Prime Day

Although this is the second day of the new year, still, I am fascinated by the numbers associated with yesterday: 01/01/10.

I am not into numerology, nor do I follow the occult, but I would think that the numbers associated with this particular New Year's Day would be of great interest to numerologists. To satisfy my own curiosity, I found the following definition of numerology:

"Numerology is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things."

Still curios, I wondered if the numbers one or ten was a prime number so I looked up 'prime numbers' and this is what I found:

"Everything that can only be divided by itself or 1 is prime, but 1 is not a prime number."

Unwilling to be thwarted by no significance to 01/01/10, I decided to assign my own significance to those numbers.

  • Paramount to me is the fact that it was the first day of a new decade.
  • By the end of this new decade, I'll be ten years older (scary thought) and my firstborn grandchild will be closer to fourteen than thirteen.
  • Cranky Kitty will probably no longer terrorize anyone trying to brush her.
  • My beloved, gas-guzzling Beast will probably not belong to my SO and I any more.
  • We will not be traveling the Great Lakes on our Aqua RV.
  • My favorite slippers will have had to be discarded........about ten years too late.
  • I should have used up all my mid-Michigan navy beans by then.
Ancora imparo