Monday, January 11, 2010

If Objects Could Talk

The word 'anthromorphism' has long fascinated me. I had seen the word in print and heard it used, mostly on the radio, so I had a vague idea of its meaning from context. Then about ten years ago I finally looked up its official meaning in the dictionary and my mind amazingly held that fact.

At the risk of boring or insulting any reader, allow me to include the definition and etymology of 'anthromorphism'. The meaning that I will go with, for this posting, is as follows: The tendency to attribute human characteristics to animals or inanimate objects. Its etymology is - from the Greek: anthropos - human; morphe - form.

I know lots of people, mostly women, who talk to their houseplants. That probably falls under the umbrella of anthromorphism. Millions of us have determined our house pets to be human-like and children have anthromorphized their dolls and stuffed animals for centuries.

Do you talk to inanimate objects?

Lately, I've been anthromorphizing the beautiful, big evergreen trees, in my neighborhood, that a recent ice storm defrocked and denuded. I can actually imagine their pain when the branches finally gave way under the weight of the ice and heavy snow. All the broken limbs remind me of untreated broken arms and legs. Mother Nature shows no mercy when it comes to her fury and vengeance. (I suspect that I just anthromorphized Mother Nature.)

I don't have conversations of any length with my two houseplants. If I did have a 'chat' with them, it would run along the lines of informing ME that they needed more water. That is why there are only two, surviving houseplants.

I've always talked with my vehicles, especially in the winder months, when the snow can be deep and the roads slippery. I don't talk trash with them, either. Rather I utter words of encouragement. I also give my vehicles names.......a practice I've long observed, although currently, our little car has no name and probably never will. Years ago, I named our now, aging, gas-guzzler, Beast, which, for me, is a term of endearment. Beast and I have driven through many roads I would have thought impassable, but he always plows through and gets me to my destination. (Yes, Beast is a 'he'. If the vehicle were a 'she' its name wouldn't be Beast, but would still begin with a 'B'.)

And so I say to the world: Let us anthromorphize to our hearts' contents. Talking to inanimate objects doesn't hurt long as the object does not talk back.

Nice computer...nice computer.
Good kitty.....good kitty. Please don't bite me!

Ancora imparo