Thursday, January 14, 2010


Transitions are an interesting phenomenon. Some come quickly, some sneak into our lives like silent intruders, others arrive with fanfare and sirens. I believe that we humans can be in transitions and not realize what state we are in.

Transitions can occur at any age and stage and they can be short in duration or long, drawn-out affairs. Transitions can be either welcome or unwelcome, expected or unexpected, intended or unintended, positive or negative and have positive or negative outcomes.

I'm confident that I am in a multitude of transitions at the moment and I am having trouble identifying which transition needs attention at the appropriate time. I'm in a state of transition confusion.

Confusion seems to be related to the time of day and whichever activity I am currently involved in. I also fear that my transition confusion may be exacerbated by chronological advancement. Fortunately, I have not yet become confused when driving (any more than normal when I'm in a strange city) and I have not yet confused my right hand from my left. I still know my name and up from down AND I still know a tasty cookie when I eat one!

I acknowledge that these are good signs, but there are still current transitions that I wish would resolve sooner than later - such as: Growing out my bangs, changing marinas, moving from the Holly Daze to the blahs of February and March, living without Max, no longer teaching, etc.

I cannot think of too many transitory states I would like to be in. Perhaps just two come to mind: A size eight and puppy-ownership.

I think I am now in a fantasy state.

Ancora imparo