Saturday, January 30, 2010

Speaking Bones

The voices of my dearly departed mother and maternal grandmother are resonating in my head this morning. I hear them saying, as clear as day, "I can feel it in my bones." They were not referring to bones that ached and creaked, but, rather, intuition. Well, my bones are speaking to me, loudly and distinctly ......... I am about to become over-extended.

Have you ever felt (or actually been) over-extended?

We all fall prey to this fascinating phenomenon of 'can't say no' at one time or another. I have been over-extended before and this will not be my last over-extension, but it has been a long time since I have placed myself in this position, AND, I do know that it is I that got myself here and no one else. I am hoping that, this time around, I am a bit smarter and wiser about managing my time and pacing myself during the next few months.

Just this very morning, I committed myself to participating in an event that is well worth my time and energy. Although the event is weeks away, it was my affirmative response that turned on my over-extension radar. Strange that my mind could not make the connection BEFORE I said yes, but once the 'yes' was sent, I instinctively knew what I had done.

All for good causes and all to help out others that need a 'boost' right now in their lives. My heart knows these are 'right' choices but my bones are telling me a differing story.

Max, I need you.

Ancora imparo