Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It Seemed Like A Good Idea

Forgive me for addressing a mostly female readership today, but this topic will be most closely understood by women.

Our hair.

In a recent blog posting, I mentioned that my hair has a mind of its own. Throughout my teens and through my forties, I do not recall any great issues with my hair. It has gone from shoulder-length to short to long repeatedly. My hair was longer when the children were born but I quickly learned that babies like to pull on hair, so I went short (Hair-length, that is. I've always been short in stature.) and curly. As a young mother I felt as though I needed a hair style that was wash, air-dry, and go. That concept worked for a number of years until a hair stylist convinced me that year after year of perms was ruining my hair. Then I went straight and short. (Straight, as in hair style.)

The last time I had no bangs was in later college and early-married-first-teaching jobs. Bangs have just been a coiffure staple of mine for years - kind of like Mamie Eisenhower......for those readers who know who she was.

Since becoming aqua RV owners, I have been on a perpetual hunt for the perfect boating hairstyle. Laugh not! This is a serious matter. When the aqua RV is 'in slip', which is the majority of the time, it is like being in a fish bowl.....pun both intended and not intended. I've been searching for a hairstyle that looks great from the moment my feet touch the floor after a night's sleep, through the day when the wind constantly blows, through the inevitable water spray when underway, and resists wilting when outside in ninety-plus, very humid days. As I said.......the perfect boating hairstyle.

As with many other areas of my life, I seek opinions from people I think may give me the opinion that I am looking for. Consequently, I change stylists not infrequently. The older I get, the more frequently I say 'adieu' and seek out a fresh eye and perspective. Some women I know stay with their stylists for a lifetime. Not me.

About four months ago, my current stylist and I decided that I should let my bangs grow out in order to create a new look for this coming aqua RV season. It seemed like an easy the time. Slowly my bangs have grown - emphasis on slowly - as they gradually creep down my forehead. For the last few weeks, I have looked more like an English sheep dog than a grandmother. If I were to put a small bow in my locks, just above my eyebrows, I would look as if I just came from the dog groomer.

Just this morning, my bangs FINALLY looked as if they might stay to one side, kind of like the bob hairstyle that I am working toward. For several days now, I have been sorely tempted to grab the scissors and start chopping. This in-between stage is infuriating. I'm too old for barrettes, too young for my mother's hair nets, and too prideful to plaster on the hairspray.

I'm going searching for my old, crocheted winter hat. I'll just keep it pulled down, tightly over my skull, removing it only for showers and church on Sundays.

No bangs seemed like a good idea.....once upon a time!

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