Tuesday, January 5, 2010

By Hook Or By Crook

To my knowledge, the phrase, 'by hook or by crook' has been around the block a few times. I'm certain I remember people my grandparents' age uttering the phrase and I know my parents did, as well. My take on its meaning is that 'I'll get the job done by hook or by crook or, by any means necessary.

Imagine if our nation's elected leaders - or appointed leaders, for that matter - adopted, or had adopted, this attitude.......present or past. Some leaders do seem to have taken the lead suggested by this phrase, both for positive and negative results. Ronald Reagan's presidency seemingly lived the idea, although hindsight does indicate that some Reaganomic's-residue is now returning to bite our economy in the proverbial behind. Historians can point to other administrations that walked the walk and talked the talk, but whose legacies were not particularly favorable to the American public.

To wit, I have jobs that I have been procrastinating on for far too long. I need to adopt the mantra of 'by hook or by crook'. I must now 'should' on myself and do whatever it takes to get these tasks off my January 'to-do' list. Who knows if history (or my family) will look upon my efforts kindly or with scorn? I cannot be held hostage by what I think reactions will be........either gentle, appreciative, or laughing. All I know is that my list is becoming so long that it trails behind me when I carry it around.

It is time to get things done........by hook or by crook. No more excuses, roadblocks or whining........by me or anyone else.

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