Monday, January 25, 2010

Don't Wait

I learned a painful lesson today about life. Don't wait to see old friends, don't wait to tell someone how much you care, don't wait to take that dreamed-of trip........just do it!

I didn't and missed the opportunity to reconnect with an old friend........forever.

For years, our Christmas cards to one another had hand-written notes that said, "Let's meet halfway for lunch or for a seminar." The city we mentioned was only ONE HOUR AWAY for me and yet I never took the initiative to set something up, always thinking, instead, that I had plenty of time.

Well, I didn't have all the time in the world and today I learned that my friend lost her battle with April of 2009, which makes me feel even worse. This past Christmas, I sent yet another simpleton Christmas card with a hand-written letter and said all of those inane things that we say flippantly to one another.....the equivalent of the vapid "Let's get together for lunch!" Had not her brother been responding to cards she received, I'd still be thinking that I had time.

I hope I learn from myself and stop procrastinating about matters of human interaction. While I realize that I cannot make weekly checks with all of the special people from my past, I can pick up the phone and call from time to time and stop waiting for the perfect moment to drive one, two, or three hours to get together for lunch.

That lunch date may never come.

Ancora imparo