Sunday, January 24, 2010

In A Former Life

The title of this posting came to me yesterday morning, after I had completed that day's posting. If I have an idea for a topic before I sit down to write, I'll make a note of it, including any phrases, ideas or words that pop into my head. Consequently, I had jotted down "In A Former Life" on a notepad, along with a sentence or two to help me remember the gist of the content.

Later, yesterday morning, I led a group of singers as we participated in a memorial service for someone who had been taken from this earth too early. (I guess you could say that about anyone who is deceased. We all leave too early, don't we.? If we remarked that someone stayed too long..........well, I've just never heard those words uttered.)

I was surprised then, when the pastor giving the memorial message talked about incarnation. Granted, what I am talking about, in today's blog, would fall under the category of 're-incarnation', which is a far cry from the devout who believe in incarnation.

While I've never given re-incarnation too much thought, I would have to say that I am not an unbeliever in re-incarnation. If I believed in such, I would have to hazard a guess that in a past life I had been a dog, presumably from a herding breed - perhaps an Australian sheep dog or cattle dog. I have too many natural traits for herding. It is just that instead of herding cattle, sheep or horses, I was seemingly born to 'guide' people. Most every job I have held has involved getting people to accomplish a corporate goal or guiding them to move as one entity, in some way or another.

I really do feel compassion for my SO, who is suffering from my instinctive need to 'herd'. In former jobs, I was in charge of large groups of individuals, many of whom had a 'noise-maker' at their disposal. It was my responsibility to cajole and coax individuals to act as one large group. Now I have only one person in my sphere of influence and I've had no success in 'herding', coaxing or cajoling him. He, so far, has been immune to my formerly finely honed skills for convincing others to do something.

I can feel my 'herding' skills diminishing and disappearing. Soon I will be left with only 'herding' myself. Perhaps this can work to my advantage. I already talk to myself. Can answering myself be far away? I'll never hear an answer I do not like!

Ancora imparo