Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dichotomies of Aging

Ah, the dichotomies of aging. On the one hand, if we humans are blessed, we have smaller, younger DNA models that hug us, kiss us, ask us "Why?", let us read to them, bake cookies for them, play hide n' seek with them and tuck them in when they visit.

As we age, wisdom is supposed to come with experience, but, in my experience, wisdom can be a whimsical visitor, one who comes unannounced, unexpected, or is a no-show. Consequently, I take exception to the notion that, as we age, our wisdom grows.

An additional plus side to aging is that you can say pretty much what you want because everyone else expects 'older' people to speak their mind, kind of like the dialogue in the movie, "Grumpy Old Men". In the same vein, if you sit in a rocking chair, mindlessly rocking to and fro, a bit of spittle slipping from your mouth, no one gives it a second thought, either.

There are some downsides, though. My internal clock is becoming confused as evidenced by my convoluted sleeping patterns. When the daylight wanes in the late afternoon, my body wants to slow down but as the once 'normal' bedtime approaches, my body is thrilled but my mind is smokin' hot. Why, ideas galore run through my head between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. If I wrote them all down, they would fill numerous note pads. I enjoy slipping out of bed any time after 5:00 a.m. and 'stealing' time from the world, especially in the winter months when dawn appears so late.

The physical body seems confused, as well. My memory is a bit shady, from time to time, and body parts are also perplexed. Areas that I want to shrink are not and those that I wish were ample are slowly fading away. If I went to my physician and asked for pharmaceuticals, he'd simply laugh because they would all cancel the other out. Some to diminish and some to plump. Hopeless.

I am comforted by the words of Forrest Gump: "Life's like a box of chocolates......."

I think I'll go eat some.

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