Saturday, January 16, 2010

Quirky Is Catchy

Ever think about what captures and keeps your attention?

Is it volume?
All of the above?

If the person delivering a speech, sermon, or address yells and raises the voice to a fervor pitch are you more apt to stay focused than if the presenter lowers the volume to a mere whisper? Or do you react more responsively if the person talking speaks softly and gently?

Do you respond more to talking animals, to fit-looking young women and men or to the dumpy, frumpy dowager with carelessly placed lipstick whose voice resembles sandpaper? Does a quacking duck stick more in your memory than a pseudo-doctor pitching the properties of the latest and greatest pharmaceutical? Does your attention-keeping depend on how fast the car is and how powerful the engine?

These questions loom largely in my mind because the last two days have brought many people, places, and things before me. I've had three-hour conversations that remained fresh until the end, meetings that were robotic and pedantic, and personal encounters that were delightful and inspiring. Although there were no quacking ducks, there was imagination and enthusiasm, as well as thinking outside of the proverbial box in terms of method and presentation........all resulting in my apt attention.

Even though my body is exhausted and pleasantly tired, my mind is exhilarated and much so that sleeping may be difficult tonight as I strain to quell the ideas that are currently running to and fro.

Did I mention that my attention was also garnered today by chocolate?

Quacking ducks and chocolate will do it every time!

Ancora imparo