Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pardon, Me!

Sometimes scrambling does not pay off.

Take, for example, today. My SO and I have about three years of work (or so it seems) to do in three hours. We are each scurrying hither, thither and yon, trying to remember all we need to do and intended to do. As with all Baby Boomers, I can get distracted rather easily as I move from room to room, seeing too many details that should be attended to. I happened to look out a window and noticed that the landscapers had finally trimmed the shrubs that were masquerading as a forest around our home. Since I could finally see distinct shrubs, I could see little weeds that really needed removing and I also noticed that the lower patio definitely needed to be swept. Well, I reasoned, I have to empty the cat's litter box, so I'll take it down to the lower level, grab the broom and head outside to accomplish many things at once.

I decided to sweep first but as I was sweeping, all the little weeds kept commanding my attention, so I hung up the broom and began weeding. It was during this weeding frenzy that my attention was averted and I never felt the creature climb up inside my pant leg (more like fly up) until it stung me.......big time. I haven't been stung by a flying creature for a number of years and I had forgotten just how much a sting stings. I flailed frantically in an attempt to remove whatever it was that decided to take a bite out of me but to no avail. I was unable to get a visual sighting on the offending creature. Hopefully it is dead somewhere out in my shrubbery. I have a rather large welt just above my knee that talks to me each and every time I flex my knee, which is about every second as I walk about, trying to get everything done.

And so it is with a whining voice that I say, "Pardon, Me", to the now-deceased creature that I offended without intent. As the old saying goes, "You should see the other guy!"

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