Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The news has been filled with a plethora of controversial topics, as of late. Well, when isn't the news filled with controversial subjects?

The soldier who purportedly disclosed sensitive military documents; a former president's daughter's purported extravagant wedding expenses; the oil spill - of course; the exit of the oil-spill's company's CEO; the he-said, she-said saga of a Hollywood star and his live-in trollop; etc., etc., etc.

Yesterday, I entered into a conversation regarding controversies, and what constitutes a controversy. My friend and I both agreed that declaring a topic, event, story, article or happening controversial was purely a subjective and individual choice. We agreed that just about any topic could be considered controversial by someone or some group.

OK, I concur. a real controversy reared its head. A topic which has universal and long-range ramifications..........

Soft-cookie versus crunchy-cookie texture

Each side of this cookie conundrum is passionate in the defense of its preference. Passionate to the fault of down-right disdain for the other side's viewpoint. As I am baking cookies this afternoon for the Three Musketeers, I have been, as always, highly attentive to the temperature accuracy of my oven AND the amount of time that the pan of cookie dough bakes. The pan absolutely must come out of the oven at the precise moment that done-ness occurs AND the cookies must be removed from the cookie sheet in a prompt manner, lest they become too crispy.

Yes, for those of you who may not want to hear this: I am a devotee of soft cookies. If that makes you not want to read Ancora imparo any longer, then you must do what you must do, just as I must do what I must do. I cannot, in good conscience, produce a cookie that is crispy. I just cannot bring myself to do what I consider is over-baking.

Oops, my confessional time is over. The timer just went 'ding'!

Ancora imparo