Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The In/Out Switch

Babies are fascinating, simply fascinating.

I know that statement can be expanded to humans in general, but Princess Leia drove home the point yesterday, while on the Aqua RV.

She finally had the opportunity to roam about, as inquisitive 'younguns' are naturally inclined to do. She and her family are tent-camping so her world of exploration is quite limited there, with small boundaries that go no farther than the edge of a large blanket or the inside of the tent. Being naturally good natured, she has mostly and patiently endured her smaller-than-usual world with her customary dazzling smile, crinkled-up nose, and hearty chuckle.

On the Aqua RV there is a space, about eight feet by ten feet, where she can freely move about, checking out this and that space. Two areas of egress can be blocked by large bags that are too big for her (now) to push aside, and the sides of this area are high enough that, while she can stand up, she cannot (yet) climb out or over.

"Ah.", we smugly thought. Safety and freedom for Princess Leia. We agreed that this was a perfect place for her to play and move about. After all, we smarty-pants adults joked, there was only one thing she couldn't touch - the in/out switch for the electrical cord - and she would have so many other things to check out that wouldn't be an issue.

"Ha, ha,", PL must have thought to herself. "That in/out switch is just at my eye-level and looks like so much fun. I'll go right over there and investigate that tiny lever!" And so she did, over and over and over. We brilliant adults were confident that we could re-direct her attention to other, more spectacular places and things, even us......but to no avail. The in/out switch is now the focus of her attention and determination. No matter what, or who, we place in front of that switch, she wiggles her little hand and arm, trying to position her body in order to reach the one thing we were certain she would never be interested in:
The In/Out Switch.

The last laugh is definitely on us!

Ancora imparo