Thursday, August 13, 2009

Open Wide

Why is visiting the dentist stress-producing? The people who work there are friendly, efficient, and good at what they do. I don't think there is one rational reason why I find a dental visit stressful.

HOWEVER, I can think of numerous irrational reasons why stress accompanies me to my dentist's office.

For starters, there is the large poster of oral cancer hung right in front of the chair I was in. Big pictures, in full color, of unfortunate orifices that contracted cancer. That is a real relaxant right there. Then there is the thick, plexiglass face-cover that the hygienist wears that looks like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, morphing and twisting the facial features of the person hovering over you. If you need x-rays, you are covered with a heavy, thick shield, weighing about twenty pounds, the purpose of which is to keep you safe. Why, then, does the x-ray technician step out of the room if I am supposed to be safe?

Next comes the cleaning of the teeth. Vigorous scraping is more like it. Your teeth are poked, probed, scraped, flossed, then bathed in a car-wash type process that leaves your facial skin feeling like sand paper. Finally, the dentist makes an appearance to check the hygienist's work, grab your tongue with a white piece of gauze and move it about in contorted positions, all the while asking you questions that require responses.

Finally, if you are unlucky, the dentist will order yet another x-ray and, after studying it carefully, announce that you have a 'tooth du morts' or dead tooth that will require.............root canal. Now there is a real party waiting to happen. Nothing stress-producing in the term 'root canal'.

"Ah, yes, visit the dentist for a morning of fun.", said with ample tongue in cheek.

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