Monday, August 10, 2009


I am watching age-reversal right before my very eyes.

This takes place twice a year at the residence I share with my SO because two times, in twelve months, he goes on a long fishing trip.

Clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp. That is the sound that his feet make as they fly up and down the stairs, usually about three to five minutes apart in the clomping. He clomps up the stairs and then roots about in one bin or another. Then he clomps hurriedly down the stairs to retrieve yet one more gadget that he positively cannot live without during the fishing trip. Clomp, clomp, clomp back up the stairs and on to more rummaging. This is the same man who just two days ago declared he felt 'so old'. Now he's moving about the condo at the speed of twenty years of age.

Just a few minutes ago I was peacefully reading a book in my favorite reading chair and he excitedly declared he wanted to show me something. I mean, this guy is truly revved over a five dollar purchase of a day-cooler from a big box store, one red throw-a-way rectangular plastic container that will hold the crawlers for the day, a small, oval-shaped plastic dish that will hold one crawler, a large yogurt container to hold leeches, complete with two lids. One with slits that will allow the precious leeches to breathe and another lid with no slits for when the boat is on the move, thereby possibly sloshing out water. Heaven forbid.

I didn't mean to, but as his demonstration was so animated, I started to laugh and, hard as I might try not to, I laughed harder and harder until tears came to my eyes. I think I hurt his feelings but I was laughing so hard I might have missed a few words. I noted, however, that it did not dampen his enthusiasm.

All that laughing and clomping about sent me immediately to this blog. I just knew this posting topic was waaaaay too good to pass up.

And to think this is occurring in ten other households.

Ancora imparo