Sunday, August 16, 2009

Alphabet Words

Have you noticed that our language is is evolving into category words rather than spoken or printed specific words?

I'll type a few examples of what I mean and I know you will find instant cognition about what I mean.

The a-word
The b-word
The f-word
The infamous letter word that comes between the letters m and o, which I will not put into print.

Get my drift?

In conversation, all we have to do is utter one of the above 'category' words and everyone instantly understands what we mean. We've said the word without actually verbalizing the word and......voila! We've slipped the word into conversation ostensibly without offending others.

I am proposing a new category of words beginning with the letter h. These category words would rise above the literary chaff and add dignity to our vocabulary.

h words such as:


I purposefully omitted the words holy and happiness, which, at first blush, might seem logical to include in my category of h words. Holy, for some world religions, has horrendous connotations that to me, are as far from holy as Hades would be considered. Happiness itself might be achieved if my proposed h words were embraced, but happiness is a state of being, not a word with means to an end. Happiness may be a bi-product if I embrace and practice hope, humility, harmony, helpfulness, haven, health, and honesty.

Here is a challenge to the readers of this blog. If you think of other h words that you would add to the list, let me know. More heads are better than one!

Ancora imparo