Friday, December 25, 2009

Twas the Night After..........

Across America, the hoopla is winding down. Underneath the Christmas trees, the flooring is bare. Where there were once brightly wrapped gifts, now just the tree's base sits, looking naked and lonely. Discarded wrapping paper, ribbons and bows clutter the floor and the carefully-selected gifts have been squirreled away to who knows where. Bellies are too-full and the carbohydrate comas have settled in. Dishwashers are humming or the dishwashers are tired, their hands have wrinkled skin and they have had it OR no dishes have been washed and sinks are piled high with dirty dishes. Damp dish towels lay in clumps on countertops or have been thrown into washing machines, waiting to be cleaned.

On the other side of the coin, families have dined together, meals have been shared, babies have been smiled at and played with, toys have been explored by grandpas and grandchildren, books have been read, baths have been given, cookies have been eaten and grandchildren have been tucked in. Priceless moments have been experienced and recorded on digital cameras and video recorders.

These are the memories of Christmas past, present and future.

Merry Christmas.

Ancora imparo