Monday, December 14, 2009

Cardinal Rule

I cannot explain my fascination with the North American Cardinal. Perhaps it is the vibrant red color that draws my eye to the species. Perhaps it is because they mate for life - or so I'm told. Once, someone who embraces the spirituality of Native American religions informed me that the North American Cardinal is very symbolic to those who practice this religion. I should look this 'fact' up on Wikipedia, the absolute end-all in fact-checking accuracy.

What I do know is that for years, I've held a personal goal to have a daily cardinal 'sighting'. Since I live in a geographic area where cardinals are plentiful, my goal is usually easily met multiple times per day. Our current condo 'roof mate' maintains multiple bird feeders in his back yard so we are blessed with a cardinal attraction that brings a multitude of pairs by the hour. It is not unusual to have four to six males in the trees surrounding the feeders. The winter months are particularly conducive to seeing the birds, mostly because the coloration of both the male and female are enhanced by snow cover. Since our last big storm, which dumped a lot of moisture-laden snow on the ground and trees, most of the tree branches remain snow-covered and crusty, providing a perfect backdrop by which to enjoy cardinal cavorting, darting and dining. Today's dense fog added an additional measure of clarity to contrast the brilliant red against a stark white.

The simple act of observing the birds is a source of relaxation and stress-relief for me that lowers my blood pressure and heart rate. I could spend hours just sitting and watching but tasks do and the world does call so that is not a realistic option. What I do know is that my 'cardinal rule' serves me well in this Holly Daze and I know I am not alone in feeling the freneticism that this time of year can bring.

If you find yourself in a Holly Daze, go find a cardinal. You'll be glad you did.

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