Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I Object

If you asked my SO, he would tell you that there are many things that I object to and that it is not infrequently that you might hear me say, "I object." Until today's posting, the last time I can remember saying "I object." was at the auto dealership where we take our car in for service and repair. I had been the one to schedule the oil change and costly ninety-thousand mile service and inspection so it was I who waited for the vehicle. I discovered that the complimentary coffee service had been moved out of the full-service waiting area and into the quick- lube area. To get to the coffee now requires walking through the service area, which surprised me because it has been my experience with car dealerships that they either do not encourage service-bay customer traipsing or disallow it completely. When the service rep escorted me to the 'new' complimentary coffee area, I told her "I object." and went on to explain that coffee should also be available to the customers who are waiting in "the big-bucks area" (my words) and not just in the waiting area for quick lubes where the dollars spent per customer are much lower.

To the object of today's objection: Toys for children/toddlers - their colors, 'focus', and store location. First of all, why did this well-known store have separate aisles for girls' and boys' toys? Why not have aisles simply by age? Why do the toys for girls have to be largely pinkish and concern mostly cooking, food, nurses, and dolls that resemble emaciated string beans, while the toys for boys appear more adventure-related, sports-related, tool-related, and imaginative? The stereotyping was obvious and I found it insulting to the miniature feminine gender. Every little girl needs to be encouraged to find adventure, throw around a ball of some kind, build things (or take them apart), and allow her imagination to thrive.

Let's see. My auto-related objection came in November, my current, toy-related objection has been voiced in December and prior to that I've objected to how people 'drive' their shopping carts in the grocery store, poor customer service.....oh, the list is long. I hope to keep my objections to one-per-month but I'm not holding my breath. I might make the one-per-month goal if I keep ignoring what is happening in our nation's capital with the elected doofusses but that is a tall self-order.

Then today there were all the crazed drivers in the parking lots......................
I see another objection taking shape!

Ancora imparo