Friday, December 11, 2009

Have YOU Got Your W On?

My little car has this nifty feature for driving in snow. There is a button on the console that has a W on it. You push the W and the drive-train power gets reassigned to all four wheels. When my SO and I are oot and aboot in wintry weather, our question to whichever one of us drives is: "Have you got your W on?" We've had fun with this question even out of the car. "Got your W on?" has taken on many meanings inside and out.

For example: Grumpy Kitty got a new kitty bed today. Her four-year old bed had so much cat dander embedded in it that it is no wonder I sneeze constantly. Actually Grumpy Kitty, herself, is loaded with cat dander because, well......because she is a cat. Since she is not so easy to, well.........let's just say she is here to stay because no one else would have SO and I thought a new bed might alleviate some of my allergy symptoms, however temporarily. Hence, the new bed. At first, Grumpy Kitty was very suspicious of her new sleeping apparatus. We placed her up in it several times and she would immediately jump out. Later, when I was eating lunch, GK tried to get up into her bed and it slid right out of the wooden captain's chair that she calls 'hers'. It was as if GK didn't have her W on. I felt badly for old GK and went over to reassure her that her bed was not out to eat her. As I was placing the kitty bed back into the chair, I noticed that the bottom of the bed is a taffeta-like fabric. Very slippery. Why the kitty bed manufacturer would make a bed with a slippery surface on the bottom is beyond me. I have now attached two ties to the bed and it is affixed to the slats on the back of the chair. Now old GK has her W on.

Later this afternoon, I was feeling lazy and decided not to dress properly to head outside into the frigid temps whilst fetching the mail. I scampered out, dressed in my workout shorts and sleeveless t-shirt. I was sockless and shoved my feet into backless, slip-on shoes. As I was scurrying down the driveway my feet found a tiny spot of ice. Fortunately, I only slightly lost my balance and was able to keep going and stay upright......a highly desirable position in winter months.........or any month, for that matter! As I slipped I thought to myself, "Oops, where is my W?"

The take-away in this posting is, for all of you readers, to keep your W on today and every day this winter. Plus, do not go outside with a sleeveless tee, shorts, no socks and no coat. Take it from me: Get your W

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