Monday, December 21, 2009

Needing to Be Rescued From Myself

I've been trying really hard..........I mean, really hard..........not to become a slave to the Holly Daze Syndrome.

SO and I just got home from a few daze (misspelling intentional) with the 'fam'. I thought I was well-organized for the Holly Daze when I left but now that I am back, I am discovering that thought was just an illusion. Just because I had labored over my grocery list, had it all written down according to the aisle order at my favorite super market, AND had attached all applicable coupons to the list - I mistakenly considered my work, here on earth, finished. My desk was neat and orderly and ninety percent of the Christmas gifts were wrapped. What more could a person ask for?

I think men and women must have similar reactions and issues during the Holly Daze - perhaps just in differing household or work-related realms. For those folk unlucky enough to have no more than a day and a half off from work, to be at home, the feeling of crunch-time must be palpable. The length of your list(s) must be enormous. For those of us with more discretionary time at our disposal, the items on our to-do lists can run from the sublime to the ridiculous. For instance, so far today I've found myself checking the National Weather Service forecasts for the next five days......just in case; looking at the quilt that needs to be re-stitched; wondering when I'll get the rip in my SO's 'barn' jacket mended; counting the number of large paper bags in the laundry room closet; looking for a set of bed sheets that I may not even need; logging on to the weather web cam site at our summer marina (go figure that one!); rifling through a pile of business cards - I'm embarrassed to continue.

Suddenly I recognized the insanity of my actions and said to myself, "Just stop!", which I have done......momentarily......until the insanity returns and I find myself counting cans of soup, or some other equally inane task.

I need rescuing from myself.

There is one antidote to all of this: A puppy. Would someone please tell my SO that Christmas is coming?

Ancora imparo