Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Some Even Smiled

Have you done any shopping out in public these past few days? You can tell that a major holiday is looming. Streets are clogged with drivers (not all courteous) and parking lots are crammed with parked vehicles or vehicles waiting to be parked. The scenario that fascinates me is when vehicles are being driven around and around (and around) waiting for a spot close to the building to open up. This almost always results in 'parking lot chicken' when two vehicles, approaching from opposing directions deem the open spot to be rightfully theirs. The looks, gestures and words that spew forth would be hilarious if not for the sad, human-nature commentary that plays out right in front of others' eyes and ears.

Stores are full of shoppers whose arms are laden with 'just-the-right gifts' for friends and relatives, many of whom will re-gift the present at the earliest opportunity. Check-out lines are long and filled with cranky, crabby people who would sell their elderly grandmothers just for the chance to claw their way to the front of the line, only to stand before a tired and equally cranky check-out clerk.

I braved a large grocery store today. When I drove into the parking lot and saw that most spots were filled I knew what was in store for me when I entered the building. But.....although aisles were crowded, most shoppers followed the grocery-store-cart rules of the road and you could actually navigate through the web of well-stocked shelves. Shoppers - old, young and in-between - were pleasant and some, really many, smiled. People waited patiently for other people and I observed acts of helpfulness and kindness.

So, the good news is, that while parking lots, city streets, department and big box stores seemed filled with Scrooges and Scroogettes, the grocery store was a haven today for Holly Daze peace and goodwill.

It is amazing how a smile generates another smile. Let's all smile at one another. People will either think we're medicated, happy, or, like babies, have gas. Either way, it is a win-win effort!

Ancora imparo