Thursday, December 17, 2009

Formerly Favorite Fantasies

Ah,yes, the time of year that gastronomes love. I'd love to be a gastronome - any time of the year - but I would then become gastronomically compromised and, would therefore, have to help pay the mortgage for a gastroenterologist.

I am about to pay a visit to the land where gastroenterologists must have a very high income. In this land, the calorie is king, cholesterol is queen, fat is revered, and heart-health is a term thought about only in the emergency ward.......after the fact. Oh, do not misunderstand me.........the food in this land is very tasty, plentiful, and graciously and frequently offered - a dangerous place for any recovering 'foodie' to be.

Middle age has me cornered, caged, and quaking in my boots. In order to escape an endowed chair in front of my pharmacist's counter, I've had to make some drastic changes in what I put in my mouth. Wheat, its bi-products and cousins, and white sugar must be my mortal enemies, but I can tell you, with all honesty, that it is difficult to hate what you love. One of my formerly favorite fantasies was hiding in a closet with a large plate of cookies - all to myself! Forget sharing when it came to cookies. I've now had to switch my fantasy formula to hiding in a closet with a plate of apple slices, carrots, and broccoli flowerettes.


Why, this morning for breakfast I combined brown rice with hummas and declared it tasty. What is my palette coming to? Yesterday someone gave me a dark chocolate mint sweetened with honey. Yuck. Tomorrow, who knows? I draw the line at tofurkey, though. I've tried it and declare it least for me.

In these Holly Daze, I'm working on a whole new batch of fantasies.......all about food, of course. Sugar plum faeries will be replaced with cantaloupe and cauliflower. My nutcrackers will have to be content cracking raw almonds. No more roasted nuts for me! When I get together with my friends now I will live vicariously through them while they enjoy all of the tantalizing and tasty treats that this season showcases.

Bon appetite! (or is it Bon Appletite?)

Ancora imparo