Saturday, December 19, 2009

Emptying My Trash Bin

Here I sit, coffee cup in hand, at a remote location, using someone else's computer, so the process of checking email and signing on to the net is totally different. I miss my easy-on access and the familiar feel of my laptop's keys. Still, I have my coffee so my world is not totally off-balance, even though my hands are. This computer 'station' has a separate keyboard, positioned much lower than I am accustomed to and I keep making wrong keystrokes because the feel is so different.

Attempting to find my zen in a foreign land, I've stolen a few moments, trying to find remnants of my familiar morning routine. Any physical exercise I get today will most likely be only in my mind but at least I can spend time with my brain and exercise it through the practice of writing.

As many readers will know, checking email from a location other than your own computer is possible but certainly a more time-consuming procedure than from 'home'. And so it was for me this morning, while reading my email, that I had to continually go through the annoying process of checking 'delete' on each separate email, only being able to view ten emails per 'page', then having to check an aggregate 'delete', and finally answering 'yes' I want to send the selected emails to the trash bin.

It was the term, 'trash bin', that fired up my imagination. Feeling far more annoyed than I should (just because I do not have my laptop with me), I began to think of what else I'd like to send to that great 'trash bin' in the sky......if only I could. Below you will find my list. Please feel free to send me your additions to this list and please note that all references to people, places or things are fictional in nature and not based upon any individual or group.

  • Thin, scratchy facial tissues
  • Bad coffee
  • Coffee cups with hollow handles
  • Glass cleaners that streak
  • Flies that do not hibernate
  • Shoe soles that leave black marks
  • Security-sealed packages that require a fork-lift to open
  • Lumpy mattresses
  • Hard pillows
  • Drivers who are not aware that their vehicles have directional signals
  • Singing hymns while seated
  • Churches that want you to sing music but don't give you the printed music
  • Junque mail
  • Spam email
  • Phishing
  • Seams on the top of socks that give you blisters, on your toe tops, from your shoes
Now my personal trash bin is temporarily empty. Why not make your own list, write it down and then empty your own trash bin. This could be very therapeutic.

Ancora imparo