Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rules of the Road

Can someone explain to me why the rules of the road should not be followed in the supermarket? Overcrowded aisles, frowns, and grumpiness could easily be eliminated if shoppers would just drive their carts like we are supposed to drive our cars on public roadways.

Have to pull over to look for an item? No problem. Park your cart against the shelving. The right side of the aisle has carts moving in unison in ONE direction, the left side of the aisle has carts moving in unison, like oncoming traffic. The middle is reserved for people moving through, NOT for parking . Want to look through your cart's contents? No problem. Do it from either end of the cart, NOT from the side of the cart. Other carts cannot move through the middle of the aisle if you are dreamily leaning over the side of your cart, imagining what the salmon will taste like tonight, with your rear end taking up over half the aisle.

As long as I'm on the topic of supermarket cart operation, let us examine how to turn a corner.

Since 99% of the corners in a supermarket are "blind" corners, do not cut a corner closely, thereby nearly running into another cart and have the audacity to glare at the cart that YOU nearly rammed. Move slowly into an intersection, staying in your own lane until you have determined that all is "clear".

Behind a "slow" cart?

Maybe the cart is being pushed by a young mother with two or three children in tow. Most of us have been there. Cut her some slack. She has her hands full with little hands helping with everything.

Maybe the cart is being pushed by someone with gray or white hair, whose joints just do not move nimbly or whose mind doesn't quite think as fast as it once did. Be patient and understanding. That could be your grandparent, mother or father, or, heaven forbid, YOU someday.

Lastly, try smiling at everyone. Sometimes others actually smile back.