Monday, November 1, 2010

National Pepto Bismol Day

This is the day that most of America has been waiting for - the last day before the mid-term elections.  When November 2nd arrives, many of us will drop to our knees, kiss the ground, and do hail-Marys in thanksgiving for not having to watch any more political attack ads on television or endure those annoying political phone calls.  Can someone explain to me why it is legal for my phone company to sell my phone number to these political hacks when I have requested to not be listed in the phone book?  Did you know that the two weeks before mid-term elections or 'regular' elections is when TiVo's usage and new subscriptions peak as well as DVR usage spikes?  No one wants to listen to baseless facts and distorted sound bites used to smear opponents so America records its favorite programs in order to fast forward through the drivel, whining, accusations, and lies. 

It is no wonder that the cynicism level of Americans is at an all-time high in regards to politics.  Who would trust, admire or want to aspire to be like the man or woman who was responsible for the content of the ads?  "Hi, my name is Jane Doe and I approve this message."  Really?  You, Jane or John Doe, did really approve of your campaign headquarter's decision to run the both obnoxious and noxious ads on your behalf?  Shame on you and shame on your opponent. 

The cost of these ads?  Unbelievable amounts have been spent on these political campaigns.  Money that could have been spent on homelessness, joblessness, illiteracy, public health issues, education, etc.  Shame on all of us for tolerating this senseless waste of money and for what?  Electing the best of the worst?

Yesterday I proposed a tongue-in-cheek rally to restore Law and Order and Law and Order - Criminal Intent.  Today I am proposing a real rally - The Rally To Restore Common Decency and Respect, but I cannot think of a single politician (or comedian) who is capable or qualified to rally for decency and respect.  If we, as a nation, think we've been wading through an economic low, then I maintain that our level of common decency and respect for one another has reached its nadir and I fear there is an even lower point that we are not even aware of and that is not supposed to be possible from the point of nadir.

November 2nd, National Pepto Bismol Day......"plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is!"

Be sure to vote.....even if it is for the best of the worst.  At least we can say we exercised our right to vote.

Ancora imparo