OK, we all know about Preparation H, the condition it is supposed to alleviate, and the other home-remedial characteristics it is touted to possess. Preparation H has been the brunt (note intentional use of brunt) of many a joke through the years.
I would like to highlight another preparation: Preparation 'P'. Preparation P represents my 'P'et 'P'eeve of lack of preparation. Preparation 'P' should be available in a tube that could be spread on the foreheads of those individuals who are seldom (or never) prepared. Have you ever considered how much of your time is wasted by the lack of preparation by others?
There seem to be too many people, in this world, who think that preparation simply means showing up or having an idea. An idea, to the person who desperately needs Preparation P, is akin to a large bowl of confetti. "Let's throw it up in the air and see if any pieces land, where any pieces land, and who, if any, catch some confetti in their hands.", is the business model of the person needing a dose of Preparation P. Have you ever noticed how quickly the 'lack-of-preparation' virus spreads?
We all have days where our preparation is lacking, or a total lack thereof, is glaring. No one can presume to be perfectly prepared all of the time. But, a preponderance of preparation is preferable to a pittance of preparation. Therefore, I am proposing that all humans get surgically fitted with an electronic 'P' in the middle of their foreheads. If preparation is present, then the 'P' will automatically light up. No light - no preparation and we would at least be forewarned that our time may be about to be wasted.
Now that I have pontificated about preparation, I am headed for the mirror to see if my 'P' is lit.
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