Our Thanksgiving meal, tomorrow, will have tried and true dishes and some new 'kids on the table' will make an appearance. To be sure, there will be the favorites - turkey, gravy, cranberry relish, Great Harvest dinner rolls and homemade pumpkin pie - regular and gluten-free. Some of the old favorites will have a new twist. My SO is preparing scratch stuffing, made with bread cubes that he cut up last week and has had drying out on the counter, under cheese cloth, for days now. I am making mashed potatoes, but spicing them up a bit with sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese. Absent from this year's splendid table will be succotash (Although I do have the necessary ingredients for a last minute preparation, just in case someone cries 'food foul'.) and green bean casserole. To replace those hot vegetable dishes, my SO is making squash and, at our daughter's request, we'll be adding bacon-infused brussels sprouts and roasted garlic. As you can read, we will not go hungry, although we might explode.
We've readied the condo, groomed the kitty, polished the bathroom counters, cleaned the toilet bowls, turned the lights on in the guest bedrooms, vacuumed in all the corners, brought out the toys, set the book boxes where all can find them, and dusted the floors. Now all we need are our guests, and for two nights, we will all be together under one roof. The grandsons are going to camp out in Gramps and Granny's bedroom.....something a little different this visit. Gramps and Granny are looking forward to this sleepover-type visit!
This is as close to heaven on earth as one can get. To quote an ABC daytime drama and create a paraphrase of my own: "All My Children" and 'All Their Children, Too!'
For this I am very thankful. May all who read this experience a house full of love and a splendid table, too.
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