Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Sign For What?

I'm not really into know, like astrological signs, palm reading, tarot cards, neon signs, poster-type signs, etc.  (I am fond of one sign though:  The dollar sign.) But, the other day, I am certain the universe was trying to communicate with me and, I'm proud to say, I actually was alert enough to notice!

A former health-care giver of mine was deeply connected to Native American religion.  She made regular visits to the southwest region of the United States and had a local shaman that she communicated with frequently.  Even though, as a Christian, I do not ascribe to her religious beliefs, I did respect her views and, often, found her thoughts very comforting and insightful. One day, on a visit to her office, I mentioned that I held a personal goal to have a daily sighting of at least one Northern Cardinal.  For some reason, I explained,  I was inexplicably drawn to this aviary species and found it very relaxing to simply sit and watch the cardinals that would converge at my neighbor's numerous bird feeders.  She proceeded to explain to me that this was highly symbolic in the Native American religion and it was not coincidental that I had chosen the Northern Cardinal to identify with. OK, I thought.  I just thought I liked cardinals!

Fast forward to this past Thursday.  As I was driving about during daylight hours, on a rather deserted country road, I saw a red-tail hawk swoop down and perch on an electrical pole.  I was stopped at a stop sign, with no cars behind me, so I could take the time to observe the hawk as it watched its prey 'like a hawk'.  Now I know where that term comes from.  The hawk's head moved about in its twitchy, jerky way as its eyes followed some unsuspecting animal on the ground that was about to become the hawk's lunch.  It wasn't long before the hawk made a lightning-fast dive to the earth and rose quickly again with a smallish creature in its beak.  "Spectacular", I thought to myself, and drove on home, revisiting the scene over and over in my mind's eye.  When I arrived home, ready to unload groceries and other purchases from the car, I first took time to open the shades and what should catch my eye but another red-tail hawk right in my backyard, not more than thirty feet away, as it soared into the grove of trees in the back yard, coming to a stop on a branch that gave me clear sight......almost as if I could reach out and touch this small and majestic raptor.  The hawk's head turned my way and it was as if the hawk stared right into my eyes and deep into my soul.  I stood rooted in place, not wanting to move for fear that my slightest movement, even inside, would spook the hawk and cause it to take flight.  The hawk's body remained motionless, even though I know its eyes were trained on its next meal and, sure enough, as powerfully as it had landed, it took flight once again, aiming toward the ground just out of my window's view.  I was thrilled!  Two close encounters of a 'hawk-nature' in one day!  Just as I was about to turn and move away from the window, the most brilliant of red fluttered onto the ground in my backyard.  I stood transfixed as I spied on this spectacular Northern Cardinal specimen.

Two hawks and a Northern Cardinal, up close and personal.......within a three-hour span.  I was convinced that the 'universe' was attempting to communicate with me and I instinctively knew what it was saying:  "Slow down and see.  See what I have created.  Take a deep breath and appreciate nature in all its glory.  Cast your impatience aside, even if for brief moments.  It will make you a better, more relaxed person."

And so I did. 

Ancora imparo