We've all heard the phrase, "Up to my eyeballs in alligators". As of late, I feel as if I'm 'up to my ankles in concrete'. I've been dragging my feet on so many tasks and projects that it is as if I've just walked, barefoot, through a freshly poured cement sidewalk from my youth. Remember how irresistible it was (?....maybe still is) to take a finger, use a stick to 'write' something in the wet cement or simply place our entire hand palm-down? Many a set of initials or a name and date has been forever cast in the wet, gray, gooey substance that grows to a state so hard and dense that even the bodies of imperiled mobsters cannot be located.
Not long ago I wrote a post regarding pontificating about preparation. Today's posting deals with another famous 'P' word: Procrastination. Procrastination seems to be proliferating in my day-to-day life. I am becoming an expert at using the forward arrow in my Franklin-Covey planner.
Supposed to call this or that business (or person) about this or that? No problem for me. I dutifully write it down on the the daily task list in my planner. As I complete a task or chore, I check off the bulleted point. No completion of certain tasks on the list? No problem either. I just draw yet another arrow and write the task down for the next day. The problem is that the number of 'forwarded' tasks keeps growing as do the number of days it actually takes until I get the job done.
I have no explanation for my proliferating penchant for procrastination. Perhaps it is due to a lack of inspiration or, perchance, it is due to a canine void in my life. I just heard a recent segment on morning television about people who are impulse shoppers. That is not my excuse for the deferment of daily chores. I am not out and about shopping so frequently that I am never home to accomplish items on my task list. I arise relatively early in the day and do not nap so that cannot be the reason for delaying defined deeds. Unfortunately my parents are both deceased so they cannot pay me one dollar for every deed I 'do-ed'.
I am just stuck with myself, in the cement that I have poured over my own feet. It is now up to my ankles and here is where I must call a halt to the pouring of concrete, lest it get to my knees.
Anyone own a jackhammer, just in case?
Ancora imparo