Restoration Rallies seem to be the 'in' instrument to voice American's opinions. Gone are the days of the sit-ins, street demonstrations like we had in East Lansing, Michigan in the late 1960's, marches in Washington D.C., bra-burnings, pantie raids, etc. Today's protests are pablum compared to the activism this country witnessed in the fifties, sixties, and early seventies. By the time the mid-seventies came we were simply into disco and big hair and we had forgotten what we were upset about as a nation.
Now we have the Restoration Rallies, as I call them. Restoring this and that has become more like a 'restore du jour' rather than a true attempt at sincerity. Earlier this summer, in August, Glenn Beck held his "Restoring Honor" Rally in our nation's capital. Yesterday saw Comedians Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart hold their "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" at the National Mall in Washington D.C. So, what's next, you might ask yourself.
I'm proposing the "Rally To Restore Law and Order and Law and Order - Criminal Intent". As a once loyal viewer of these two programs, I was incensed and disappointed at NBC's short-sightedness in either canceling outright, as in the case of "Law and Order" or the network's slow-death approach in the case of "Law and Order - Criminal Intent".
NBC, just what were you thinking?
The network's pathetic attempt at replacement for these two fine shows is the lackluster, "Law and Order - Los Angeles". The characters are weak and the actors portraying the characters are even weaker. Nothing about this new show inspires any repeat viewing, whereas the two shows NBC canned were still well-crafted and well-acted. NBC, is your new motto, "If it works, let's cancel it?"
Hence, my "Rally to Restore Law and Order and Law and Order - Criminal Intent". Here is a rally idea that could bring national unity on a coast-to-coast level, a rally idea that could boost employment levels for a number of people in the television industry and restore the average American's confidence that Hollywood really cares about what John Q. Public thinks.
Let's rally around something really important for this great land: Bring back Law and Order and Law and Order - Criminal Intent!
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