Thursday, November 18, 2010

Swirling Thoughts

"Good grief, Charlie Brown!"  That is what I feel like sayin' to myself.  How did I get myself into this quagmire of 'over-something-ed'?  At least my morning coffee is delicious and I liked the breakfast I fixed for myself.  Score two for moi!

Perhaps it is the weather.  Our local skies are gray and gloomy once again.  Typically this does not bother me because I love natural light and, if it was sunny, I'd have the blinds down until the direct sunlight passed over, trying to preserve the leather furniture, wood floors/furniture and upholstery colors.

More likely though, I am anticipating not enjoying an activity that I signed up for and am now wishing I'd never said 'yes'. I've been preparing for this activity as much as time has permitted and I still feel unprepared.  Past personal-participations have proven to raise my stress level rather than lower it.  I know, I know, I got myself into this and will not be a 'quitter' but if circumstances are such that my stress level is elevated to a Sears-Tower height, then I will have to do some serious re-considering. After all, life is too short to subject ourselves or others to unpleasant experiences on purpose.  There are cardinals in my backyard to watch, books to read, music to listen to, friends to chat with, events (fondly anticipated ones) to plan, pants that need hemming, magic wands to design, walks to take, a cat that needs brushing (this, I call relaxing?) and more coffee to consume.

Yes, my thoughts are swirling but for the most part the swirling thoughts are positively anticipated ones, not dreaded ones, and, as I type, my resolve is strengthening to feel empowered to participate in my un-anticipated activity with a positive attitude, knowing that if history repeats itself, I'll just smile, tell the organizer the truth, and release myself from further stress and tension.  Life always brings along another stress and tension producer.  One at a time is enough.

In this rapidly approaching Holly Daze season, empower yourself to remember that "one at a time is enough"!

Ancora imparo