My laptop has been acting weird lately and it has me concerned so I called the Computer Doctor and he made a house call this morning. Although I had to leave before he announced his final prognosis, he did indicate that it did not look as if 'it' had a virus or any other type of disease. He was busy running a complete computer MRI as he did his usual thorough diagnosis when I walked out the door. My last words to him were, "Fix it please, Doc!" I then drove off to lunch in the dismally cloudy weather and had the time to reflect on life without my computer.
As I was driving along the relatively quiet state highway, I was struck by two things, No.1: I would really miss not having regular access to a computer OF MY OWN and, No. 2: This weather pattern just shouts, "Winter is approaching!" - neither of which is appealing to me. A few years ago when my computer, at the time, had died, my SO and I had to share his computer and it was not fun. He and I do many things well together but sharing a computer is not one of them. Plus, he uses his laptop for work purposes and so his time on the machine naturally trumped any time I had......and rightly so. It was exactly because of this memory that I called the Computer Doctor and asked him to come give my machine a complete physical. He made a few changes that we hope will help but the bottom line is exactly what my medical doctor says to me when I voice a complaint about this or that: "It's your age." And so it is that I must realize my laptop is aging and that older computers do not take well to new software and programs that the internet is constantly telling 'us' that we need to update. My gosh, nearly every day I get a message that says some program I'm using has a free upgrade and all I have to do is click here to download the latest and greatest version of 'something'.
Just like my body and my laptop, the weather is 'aging' to the point that I know my time to walk about safely and comfortably in the great outdoors is waning. The weather is also on borrowed time.and the sky reflects that looming fact. Snow, sleet and ice cannot be far behind. I wish the weather doctor could come, wave a wand, and simply let the seasons fast forward to March 21 and spring would spring forth.
We're all on borrowed and machine alike. Cherry thought, isn't it?!
Ancora imparo