Here I the semi-dark, the only illumination sources being my computer screen and the under-counter microwave light. Our house guests are all still in some sleep-stage, with the exception of Cranky Kitty, who howls intermittently, only to be yelled at by me, in my whisper voice saying, "Knock it off, Frances." This works well-for about three minutes then she repeats her howl and I repeat my growl. Hopeless, really.
I've been up for about an hour now. I had no intention of arising this early but my allergies kicked in around four a.m. and once the nose-blowing starts, trying to sleep becomes an exercise in futility. My first few minutes, upon arsing, didn't go quite as smoothly as I had envisioned. I found an almost-full carafe of coffee from last night so I thought I'd capitalize on some already-brewed eye-opener. Attempting to be as furtive as a thief in the night, I poured myself a cup, placed it in the microwave - being careful not to make clunk and bump noises - pushed what I thought would be an appropriate amount of time, and walked away to check on the dryness of laundry done last night. My mistake was not taking into account the temperature of the coffee in the heavy-duty, insulated carafe. By accident, my laundry-checking task took me past the microwave and I heard vigorous boiling. Looking in the microwave's window, I could see the results of too-vigorous boiling........a sea of brown covering the floor of the microwave. "Rats.", is NOT what I said. I was unable to just walk away from my mess and so it took five minutes of paper-toweling, washing, and drying to get the microwave back in commission. Finally, a steaming-hot cup of coffee (albeit last night's), with fat-free half and half, made it safely into my hands and I to my kitchen-counter stool to play with my laptop.
As I type, the condo is still quiet. In the background I can hear the white noise machines from the two upper-level bedrooms and the clothes dryer can be heard faintly in the background. Kitty has been quiet for a long stretch of time.......unusual for her. Ironically, now that I am drinking caffeinated coffee, I find myself dozing off as I type this posting. As a rule, this would not be a problem but I am currently perched high atop a kitchen-counter stool and, if I lost my balance whilst I doze, the topple would be rather uncomfortable.
Perhaps I should move to a piece of furniture closer to the floor - say, a loveseat or reclining chair? After, safety begins in the home!
Perhaps I should re-title today's posting to read: Here I Reclines!
Ancora imparo