- The same mind that cannot remember to do something during the day can remember dozens of 'things' in the night?
- I could actually let my nail clippers go that deep to remove a tiny piece of loose skin on the same side of my thumb that needs to type?
- One person can keep so much stuff?
- A clean desk can be destroyed in such a short amount of time?
- You can dust a floor and one day later it looks like it was never touched?
- I ended up with so many Ziploc storage containers without realizing it?
- It is so hard to throw away perfectly good cardboard boxes?
- One person could actually think they might need so many perfectly good cardboard boxes?
- I let one week get so cluttered with activities that I was SUPPOSED to enjoy?
- I can be falling sleep at eight o'clock p.m. but be absolutely wired two hours later....without the assistance of caffeine?
- Oxy-Clean gets those impossible-to-remove stains out? (Maybe I don't want to know.)
- Homemade leftover food tastes really good two days later?
- Cat litter can travel so far on four little feet?
- I really thought I needed to win that giant Care Bear at Great America in May?
- I can feel so tired after exercising? Isn't exercise supposed to invigorate a person?
- Grandchildren can give you so much energy when you are with them?
- The newspaper's "What's On TV" section is always folded imprecisely off-center?
- Feeling stressed makes me sneeze?
- Watching old family videos of your kids can warm your heart so much?
- Planning family get-together meals is so much fun?
- Drinking tea is so relaxing?
- Little girls' clothing is so cute and such easy 'Grandma Bait'?
- The summer went so fast?
- Seventeen men can sound so good?
- Church pews become personal space?
- Seventeen minutes can go by so quickly after turning off your clock-radio alarm?
- The television networks think the public needs to see Christmas specials in late November/early December?
- My mind thinks of all this stuff?
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