Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lovin' The Weather!

I really like this weather......the gray, overcast, dark skies that portend the weather to come......which I will not be fond of!  The gray skies of November do foretell the meteorological future, don't they?  It won't be long until these skies and low-hanging clouds will open up and spew forth white snow flakes that will royally mess up our winter driving weather and make us watch our footsteps carefully.  But, in the meantime, cloudy skies energize me to work inside, much like a bear must feel just before hibernation.  I can sense the approaching season as if it were hung upon a giant banner in my living room or glaringly obvious in neon across the top of my garage door.

"I am winter and I am coming, ready or not!", is what the sign says to me. Here I sit with my hot cup of tea, happily typing away at my laptop, not feeling guilty about not getting out-of-doors this afternoon, because the threat of a misty rain appears imminent.  Instead I am rushing about from task to task, an accomplishing-cylone, whirling from room to room.  If anyone reading this is old enough to remember a children's cartoon show from the 1950's, called "Tom Terrific", that is what I feel like - a dervish moving rapidly about in a whirlwind of dust.  Even though I have to go back out tonight, which I detest, I am content in my woman-cave (otherwise known as my office) for now, working diligently at checking off a long list of tasks awaiting my attention. 

An earlier-in-the-day crisis was averted, much to my relief.  This minor-but-major crisis involved the loss of the i-Pod cloth cover that I have used, for some time now, to cover my cell phone.  The little black, slip-on case had probably used up its nine lives as I have routinely dropped it over the years but, heretofore always managed to notice its absence and retrieve it from an unseemly demise.  Not so this time.  Wherever it has fallen has become its final resting place unless another person picked it up and adopted the case as his/or her own. However, I can report a happy ending due to the gray skies and my cup of tea giving me the relaxation attitude to keep tackling long-procrastinated household odd jobs. I harnessed my excess energy and went online to the Apple Store and - voila! - discovered an alternative cover that should work just fine for my cell phone!    

I embrace the gloomy outdoor weather because, indoors, there is an atmosphere of energy and anticipation, which is exactly what the meteorological doctor ordered.

Bring it on, November!

Ancora imparo