Monday, November 8, 2010

Reflections On A Decade

I am about to celebrate, no, let's say 'experience' a birthday.  A big birthday.  A big, zero birthday.  I met my last zero birthday with very conflicted feelings and, probably, some depression.  I remember the day vividly, as if it were yesterday.  It was an uncommonly warm day and I walked to the Secretary of State's license bureau, which was just down the street from where I worked.  It was one of those birthdays where I had to renew my license, take a test and have a new picture taken.  Perhaps my gloom and doom feelings were connected to the then recent tragedies surround 9/11.  Whatever the case, I did not embrace that birthday.  
Now that ten years have passed, I look back at the past personal decade and look at how many watershed moments have occurred:
  • I experienced professional success.
  • Both of our children were married.
  • The gift of grandchildren was given.
  • I earned my master's degree.
  • My SO took early retirement.
  • Birdie and Timeless came into our lives.
  • We lost Max.
  • We rescued Oskar and found him a wonderful home.  Part of our hearts left with him.
  • I walked away from two careers and group health insurance.  What was I thinking?
  • A sister and brother-in-law died.
  • I became a two-thumbed texter.
  • I became eligible for group health insurance, once again!
  • I started my own educational grant foundation of which I can proudly say I am the President, CEO, CFO, and Chairman......perhaps my greatest achievement?
As I look ahead to the next decade, my bucket list includes:
  • Help my oldest grandson celebrate his fourteenth birthday
  • Keep my remaining agility
  • Get a gas cooking stove
  • Drive the aqua RV out of her slip
  • Take an Alaskan cruise
  • Visit New England
  • Prevent shoulder-slumping
  • Keep from drooling, mumbling, or otherwise publicly embarrassing myself or others
If I achieve any of these bucket-list items, you'll be the first to know!

Ancora imparo