Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Incongruity Of It All

Irony.  I am experiencing irony in spades while I sit at my desk with my laptop. 

In front of me, just to the left, in my peripheral field of vision, is a letter from the Secretary of State.  It begins, "Dear Safe Driver" and tells me that, due to my safe driving record, I can apply for my license renewal online, in lieu of applying in person at my local Secretary of State's satellite office.  This is great......very convenient.

It is ironic that this letter was prominently displayed while I just visited a web site for the British Broadcast Corporation's television show, "Top Gear".

Have you ever heard of "Top Gear" or seen a segment of the show?

I had not, on both counts.  The link to the show came from a friend's blog site.  He usually has quirky and interesting viewpoints and site links, so I decided to take a peek, based on his blog title, which was "Top Gear".  I was bested by my curiosity.

The link was to a recent CBS "Sixty Minutes" segment that featured the BBC's hit show, "Top Gear".  While watching the fifteen-or-so-minute clip, I do not know if I spent more time laughing at the outrageous behavior of the four principal characters, laughing at the outrageous statements made by three of the characters, closing my mouth after jaw-dropping scenes/stunts, or feeling as if I needed adult diapers after seeing scene after scene of gravity-challening behaviors involving motor vehicles that are driven at exceptionally high speeds by either exceptionally brave or stupid men. Interspersed with camera shots of unbelievably maniacal driving were vignettes of interviews with three of the four men.  The Brits have a corner on dry, tongue-in-cheek humor and three of these 'dudes' would take first prize.  

How ironic that I can see my 'safe driving letter of commendation' while watching a show that glorifies high-speed, death-defying driving stunts and I laugh?!?!  I am certain that the high winds we are still experiencing are affecting my brain and judgment.  I must be oxygen deprived.

Ancora imparo