Saturday, October 30, 2010

Glorious Day

So far, today, I've ruled the world with Cold Play, I've learned the power of love with Huey Lewis and the News, I've built a city with Jefferson Starship, I've been to Wuthering Heights with Kate Bush, learned about pool combos and guys who are too good looking from Carrie Underwood, been out ridin' fences with the Eagles, taken the long way home with SuperTramp, figured out how not to be a fool with Kenny Loggins, heard about Daniel Powter's bad day, been too hot with Queen, gone crazy with Lindsey Buckingham's Tusk and zoomed whom with Aretha Franklin.  All in a day's work with my i-Pod.

Sometimes I wonder what passersby must think as I'm on a walkabout with my i-Pod.  My background and training as a musician and band director makes it impossible for me to not walk to the beat of whatever tune I'm listening to.  There are particular lyrics that resonate with me and I'll have to resist the urge to break into song (I'm not always successful resisting this urge.) and there are also lyrics that simply create this huge smile across my face.  I cannot reveal what the smile-creating lyrics are.  I'm a bit more non-traditional in thought than most people think. :) 

It did occur to me, this morning as I walked, that humans and trees deal with the approaching cold weather in totally opposite ways:  The trees lose their layers and the humans add layers, which is oddly comforting in a weird way.  The temps were in the mid-thirties but I was dressed for the occasion and tromping up and down the cul-de-sac inclines were good for both the body and soul.  My SO was out at a breakfast meeting so when I returned home I could keep my i-Pod on and groove about the condo as I moved furniture and swept the floors.  Being alone provided me the opportunity to dance with my broom with no one casting disbelieving looks my way.

May all of today's Ancora imparo readers dance with their brooms.

Ancora imparo