Saturday, April 3, 2010

Whole Lotta Nuthin' Goin' On Up There

It could be the weather and, then again, it could just be that there is naturally nothing in my head today. Oh, there are bytes that are flitting here and there but thus far I have so many irons in multiple fires that I am like the cat on the hot tin roof. Anything of substance has come from either the newspaper or my favorite irreverent radio show, NPR's "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me". Needing something to show for at least being awake and alive, I'll share with the readers of this blog what knowledge I've absorbed in the last six hours. Who knows, maybe a byte of this information will be of use or importance to someone, somewhere.

  • When economic times are hard, restaurant wait-staffers are better looking.
  • When economic times are really hard, the music we hear has a more defined, steady beat.
  • ZZ Top is a three-person band, not a lone performer. Two of the three look alike.
  • The emergence of more dollar-type stores replacing traditional retail stores is a sign of poor economic times.
  • My car has sawdust in her hoses.
  • The Easter Bunny is not real. (Bummer)
  • Harvey, the rabbit, wasn't real, either.
  • My alma mater, Michigan State, is not highly favored to win the NCAA basketball tourney.
  • There is a web site for only the privileged. Members become annoyed and outright angered when regular 'folk' worm their way in as members.
  • Broken veins in fingers take a long time to fully heal.
  • Bananas taste best with vanilla ice cream, pecans, and hot fudge sauce.
  • Egg whites taste better with chopped-up ham.
  • Parting with old clothes is not as easy as I thought.
  • Lastly, I have no closet, drawer, or shelf space left on which or in which to store any more stuff.
There you have it. The sum total of my brain's contents accumulated since I awakened. But now, since I've just emptied my brain in this posting, you can say that I have a hollow head, just like that chocolate bunny I'd like to eat tomorrow.

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