Sunday, March 14, 2010

Big Day

What a huge day in the life of our nation! It's National Pi Day and Daylight Savings Time begins. This is way more excitement than I may be able to handle. If I would have been planning ahead, I would have planned on baking a pie today. Of course, my SO and I do not, I repeat - do not, need to eat pie but the romantic notion of eating pie on Pi Day is difficult to resist.

As a former educator and lover of all things mathematical, I made it a priority to investigate the inception of the terminology and usage of pi. Did you know that Pi Day has its own website (Riveting information) Pi is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter: pi=3.1415926535. (More riveting information) Pi is an irrational number (I could have told you that.) meaning that it will continue infinitely without repeating. With the help of computers, pi has been calculated to over one trillion digits past the decimal. (Someone had too much time on their hands.) The symbol for pi was first used in 1706 by William Jones, but it was popular after it was adopted by the Swiss mathematician, Leonhard Euler in 1737. (Source: I find it ironic that such a mathematical cornerstone foundation was first used by someone with the last name of Jones. Such a common sir name associated with such an uncommon concept.

Since the residents of most states now have an extra hour of daylight-time on their hands and are wondering how to spend this 'found' gift, perhaps we should all make and/or bake (bake - for those who obtain their pies in the frozen food section of their local supermarket) a pie today. Of course, to fully celebrate National Pi Day , we all have to consume some pie as well.

My SO and I just may have to make an exception to eating pie today. Hmmm, where are all of those frozen raspberries?

Happy Pi Day!

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