Thursday, May 19, 2011

It All Fits....Mostly

Today we moved back into the Aqua RV for the short season called summer.  Its interior looks semi-settled.  At least the bed is made and I do not think it will be long before one or both of us falls into it - perhaps face first.  Capt. SO and I spend last night at a local hotel - not a bad hotel - just two unforgivable transgressions as far as I am concerned.  Thin, scratchy and cheap facial tissues and fat, foam pillows.  With my allergies in full aggression, the requirement for high-quality facial tissues is paramount in my mind and on my nose.  With my sleeping always a hit and miss thing, a decent pillow is a must.  Many hotels offer both foam and feather pillows but not this one.  Two strikes against this establishment right off the bat.

Capt. SO and I began our day with an early wake-up call and breakfast, being told to be over at the storage building around 7:30 a.m.  We were there, on time, and got to see the amazing feat of getting the Aqua RV on to a trailer and out of a very tight space, all by remote control.  The man operating the remote was highly skilled and, when asked by me how many practice hours it took to reach his level of competence, he replied that when the trailer/remote device was initially delivered, it was handed to him and then the rep left.  I didn't feel comfortable asking how many "oops" took place before he gained the confidence and skill I witnessed this morning.

We were in the water and sent on our way by 10 a.m., told to take her out and "run" her a bit to get air out of some lines, somewhere.  We gladly obliged, especially since it was such a gorgeous day.  We had just gone out of the "no-wake" zone, ready to open her up and both engine gauges hit red and engine warning alarms went off and so did the engines.....shut off by Capt. SO.  After a few phone calls flew back and forth between Capt. and maintenance people, we anchored and waited for a TOW BOAT to come to our rescue.  Never having had to be towed before, this was a new experience both for us and the Aqua RV.  After three more hours of letting engines cool, bleeding lines of air while tied to a dock, and the subsequent addition of lots of antifreeze, we were on our way again. 

Since we had lots of time to sit around and wait - for either engines or people - we took our time and put all of the "stuff" away that we brought that we deemed essential.  Let me tell you that "essential" looks a lot different in a condo than in the cramped spaces of an Aqua RV interior.  But, it all fits....mostly.  By tomorrow's end, I am confident that it will all be hidden away.....somewhere......somehow.

Ah, summer.