Monday, May 9, 2011

Cute Little Guys

Little did I know, pun intended, that when I purchased a set of "Mr." books in the 1980's - and every "Mr." book written thereafter that I could get my hands on - that I was purchasing a slice of eventual Americana, thanks to children's author, Roger Hargreaves.  All I knew was that my children loved to hear the books and Capt. SO and I loved reading them.  The illustrations were simplistic in nature, perhaps giving adults a rotund and smallish character that they could identify with.  Whatever the reason, the book series was a hit at our house.

The "Mr." characters were instantly lovable - displaying human traits and tendencies that we all share but may not be comfortable allowing the rest of the world to see.  The series' illustrator did a magnificent job of adding facial expressions that conveyed impishness, impulsivity, rakishness, puckishness - along with a full range of human emotions - all displayed on those round, tiny faces. 

Capt. SO and I did have one favorite "Mr." book, titled either "Mr. Noisy" or "Mr. Loud".  Both of our kids' parents so enjoyed reading the book because we could be loud and goofy, which felt very therapeutic after a long day - knowing that after reading books, the kids would go to bed and one, or both, of us would have an hour or two of down time before no longer being able to keep our eyes open.  I can still hear the children's giggles as we'd do our best to mimic what we thought a loud, obnoxious voice would sound like. 

That is one of the beauties of books.  The classic books are still around - as are newer, well-written books - and I have so many wonderful memories attached to a time when life (now) looked much more simple and laid back.  I know, somewhere deep in my brain, that life wasn't really quiet and tranquil then, but my memory has chosen to file only those feelings of one-ness with the kids.  A time I can only retrieve in my memory. 


Thank you, Roger Hargreaves.

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