Saturday, May 21, 2011

Big-Time Procrastination

Much has been written about procrastination.  Even the experts cannot agree the cause for its occurrence.  Some professionals believe that procrastination is a result of the procrastinator seeking to exert dominance and/or power.  Others write that procrastination is a result of low self esteem and a lack of confidence.  Yet other articles will proclaim that procrastination is simply laziness personified.  Whatever the root cause, I am publicly proclaiming personal procrastination today. 

I'm putting off doing a task because of......well, because of the odor I know will result when I use this new cleaning product.  This product is supposed to be some miracle cleaning/polishing agent that will buff most any surface known to mankind.....but at a price - odor.  (Too bad it cannot be used as a exfoliant on human feet.  I'd never have to buff my feet again!)

Just like the opening line in fairy tales, "once upon a time" - in a former home that had really bad, iron-laden, water - I ignorantly used two products together that, had I been literate at that moment, I would have seen the warning that read, "Do not use in combination with..." the exact substances I thought would make a powerful cleaning combination.  Well, they did make a powerful cleaning duo, but I was almost overcome with fumes in the windowless shower area I was determined to get spot-free.  I never did understand what a foolish mistake I'd made until a later time when I was recounting the story to a group of friends and one of them pointed out to me the nasty nature of what I had combined. 

Thusly, I am not real excited about using this wonder-substance.  I have read the disclaimer on the spray can that says, "Use in a well-ventilated area."  I take this kind of warning seriously these days, not anxious to repeat the feeling of light-headedness and difficulty breathing that I did "once upon a time". 

Time to open all the hatches.

Ancora imparo