Friday, March 27, 2009

Must We?

Today, I was doing the world's most mundane task - laundry. As I picked up my container of laundry soap, I was reminded again how annoyed I am that most laundry-care products have become ULTRA CONCENTRATED.

So I got curious and started examining all the containers of laundry-care potions that I have in my home. I found 2X, 3X, 6X Super Concentrate, Ultra this and Ultra that.

We are a nation of super-sizing everything.

We super-size our fast food meals, our candy bars, restaurant meal portions, CEO salaries and bonuses, coffee cups, dinner plates, professional athlete salaries, politicians' egos, and we inflate the grades that our young people earn..........from grade school and beyond. I'm sure there are many more examples of super-sizing that I cannot pull forward from my mental filing cabinet. Does any consumer know whether or not the super-sizing frenzy has actually reduced a price?

The curious part is that while we've super-sized many items and concepts, our manufacturing processes have diminutized (a new word I've coined) many other
products to a level heretofore never imagined. Cell phones, stereo components, computers, chocolate chips, cereal box contents, candy bars ...........just to name a few. But in this miniature arena, smaller does most certainly NOT mean less expensive. Quite the opposite.

An interesting contradiction, for me, is the conflict in the world of physical attributes. People pay thousands of dollars for reductions and enlargements of body parts. A single body may have one part reduced and another area 'enhanced'. There are so many Hollywood starlets that have 'improved' themselves that I'm surprised there is not a river of gel flowing through Los Angeles at this very minute, having oozed from the pores of people desperate to surgically improve what their original DNA created.

My head hurts from all this increased thinking. I think more but I earn less for the thinking that I do. This is not fair!

Wait! Who said life is fair?

I think I'll go eat a giant chocolate chip cookie. Toll House hasn't miniaturized its recipe.......yet.

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