Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Wait Is On

I removed the ornaments from the Christmas tree tonight.  The tree would look very denuded except that it is an artificial, pre-lit tree so the lights remain on year 'round.  Nevertheless, in a very short amount of time, the tree went from beautiful to pitiful. 

As I was taking off each ornament and searching for the box it was to get packed in, I was thinking about how taking the tree apart is so very different from decorating the tree before the Holly Daze.  Decorating the tree at our place is usually accompanied by Christmas music playing in the background and a glass of wine or Bailey's lurking somewhere it requires painstaking care.  Care to open each box, care to remove the ornament, care to place it on the tree in just the right place, care to mix up the ornaments to make just the perfect mix of colors and themes.  Care to create that magical combination of ornaments and lights that make adults' and children's eyes glow with delight.

Removing the ornaments is another matter.  This is a task that is often performed with much more hurried manner than decorating the tree and is often carried out after a long day of accomplishing other jobs.  Somehow, locating the exact box that should house a particular ornament is not a simple job and often requires rooting through a maze of boxes, tissue paper and bubble wrap. 

There is also a sense of sadness when putting the decorations away.  Holiday decorations are usually brightly colored and may have whimsical appearances that bring smiles to those who look at them. Even the children's creche characters have whimsical-appearing faces that blend right in with the snowmen, Santa Claus statues, and other assorted bells, bangles and baubles. 

Now the reality of winter settles into our minds, eyes, bones and joints.  This is truly the doldrums of winter.....a time that requires imagination and extra energy just to withstand the cold days and nights.  The Rubbermaid bins that hold the ornaments stand ready, lids off, waiting to receive their precious contents.  Waiting through spring, summer's heat and autumn blazing beauty. 

The wait is on, indeed.

Ancora imparo