Monday, January 3, 2011

A Good Once-Over

The start of a new year. 

This idea inspires many resolutions, hopes, dreams, goals, proclamations, etc.  For my SO and I, it meant a visit, this morning, from our HVAC technician to give the furnace a good once-over, hopefully to insure that the condo will stay internally comfortable during these cold-weather months. The gentleman was very thorough, according to my SO, and performed checks that other past technicians have not done. 

The furnace check caused me to think about what needs a 'good once-over' in my life, or body, or brain, or all three.  Since I've already faced my sock-demon, my too-many-boxes demon, my hole-filled-favorite-sweat-pants demon, I'm left wondering just what is there for me to work on?  I know if I asked my SO he would have a long list, perhaps beginning with his desire that I learn (and remember how) to tie nautical knots.  The whole idea of this projects ties my insides in knots because knot-tying is not one of the gifts that God gave me.  Capt. SO can - and does - teach me different knots throughout the Aqua RV season but I will forget the procedure about five minutes after our instruction lesson.  So maybe knot-tying is not the place for me to begin a 'once-over'.  I'm also certain that knife-sharpening, learning how to operate the gas grill, making boxes in Excel, remember important passwords and zipper repair would be on his list for my 'once-over'. 

On the other hand, I have made it this far in life without much, or any, skill in the aforementioned areas, so I'm not likely to begin with any of those.  Rather, I think I'll consider starting with more personally useful areas such as puppy training, actually using my phone's bells and whistles, THINKING about learning how to make boxes in Excel, selling unwanted 'stuff' on E-Bay or Craig's List, brushing Cranky Kitty more, puppy training, weaning myself off from coffee (this may not be do-able), seeing myself without contacts (pun definitely intended), beginning to finish my children's book in February (oxymoron intended), expanding my Yoga moves, and, did I mention, puppy training?  Perhaps I should add reading at least one book per year that has some redeeming social or moral value?  I'll have to think hard about this one.  I'm pretty fond of fictional best-sellers. 

Perhaps my plan should simply be to not have a plan, but to take each day as it comes.  Being a compulsive planner this could be my greatest challenge not have a plan.  I'll have to plan on how to not have a plan.  Wish me luck.

May your day be plan-free........if you desire.

Ancora imparo