Terry Gross, radio personality and host(ess) of National Public Radio's "Fresh Air" interviewed Brian Greene, author of a book entitled The Fabric of the Cosmos. I heard most of the interview and, afterward my head, already pulsating from other, more pressing matters, hurt even more. The Fabric of the Cosmos deals with very high-level science and, remember, I was the high school student who spent most of her science classes inking in the blue line on her deck tennies. But, the author's answers to Gross' questions made me 'sit up and take notice'.
His topic was quantum physics and quantum mechanics - two topics I do not spend much time thinking about as a rule. He was talking about electrons and the space they take up and how in one test an electron might be in one place and with the next, very same test, the same electron would be 'somewhere else'.......or something like that. As you can read, my understanding of his topic is elemental, at best. But I did hear his supposition that instead of a 'uni' verse, there might be multi-verses......that parallel universes might exist.
This is exceptionally difficult for me to conceptualize. I have enough trouble with this universe, let alone thinking that there might be a parallel 'one' lurking about, or even next to me and I do not know it. Is it possible that there is a "mini-me' somewhere, maybe in the next room, typing simultaneously, yet we are totally unaware of each other? Is it possible that when I think I am home, from time to time, from the Aqua RV that my quantumly-mechanized double is actually on my Aqua RV, enjoying the wind and the waves? Is it possible that my QMD (quantumly-mechanized double) is lazy and could actually be vacuuming and dusting when I am not?
And, if I have rogue electrons that are somewhere else right now, then where are they? Will Scotty be beaming one of us upward any time soon? Is this really the beginning of a fourth dimension? A fifth dimension. I heard the real "Fifth Dimension" in person and when we "let the sunshine in", will it be real sunshine or simply some electrons being in a different place?
These are mind-boggling questions, are they not? All the things I hold dear in this world might just be figments of my dual-electroned (my word) brain. Those chocolate chip cookies I baked recently could be figamental (my word) replicas......in which case I want to know where the originals went? Did my body-double eat them?
I am signing off and my QMD had better, also.
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