- Rock: To do something in a confident, flamboyant way; as in, "You rock!" Funny how once upon a time.....it meant a large particle of sedimentary material or a style of music.
- Heart: To like very much; love; as in "I heart you!" Facebook even has the heart symbol that you can 'send' to a friend. I'd like to know what happened to plain ol' "I love you!"
- Friend: To add to a list of personal associates on a website. While I understand that the word 'acquaintance' is too long and awkward to use on a social networking site, 'friending' someone has diluted the meaning of the word 'friend'. I see too many people using 'air quotes' when saying the word friend.
- Viral: Circulating rapidly on the Internet; as in "The video went viral!" While the new meaning is listed as an adjective, it most certainly has more of a negative connotation than a positive one. Viral used to mean "of, relating to, or caused by a virus". Granted this meaning deals with a web virus but when did any virus ever have a positive meaning?
- Bargainous: Costing less than expected. What was wrong with 'cheap'?
- Catastrophize: To present a situation as worse than it is. I thought 'exaggerate' worked just fine.
- Exit strategy: Planned means of extricating oneself from a situation. Weren't the words 'plan', 'leave', or 'quit' adequate?
- Overleveraged: Having taken on too much debt. Didn't we already know about 'spendthrifts'?
- Truthiness: Quality of seeming true. Really? Where I live there is no 'seeming' quality of truth. It either is or is not. Period.
Chillax. One of my gal pals is really a cougar and, although she seems to be a frenemy, I will not tweet about how she is a cheeseball seeking to promote her flash mob, playing her vuvuzela on a webisode financed by her zombie bank and ignored by big media in a flyover state.
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